
April 03, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

I used to listen to 'Return to Innocence' by Engima when I was in school/college & I can't describe it but this song has a very primitive/tribal kinda feel which used to remind me of something/someplace grand & majestic that's hard to fathom. Little did I know that in a few short years, I will get to experience a place exactly like that, Alaska!

All the pictures were taken pre-DSLR days when I didn't know much about photography but these pictures will always be special as they will remind me of our time in Alaska

With so much beauty all around, at times, our experience was surreal almost zen-like and that's exactly how this song makes me feel. I hope you enjoy this video as much as I enjoyed making it!

Below are some of my memorable pictures...

I love this picture as it shows the scale of the glacier. Can you see the kayakers?

Glaciers are much like rivers, just slow moving. Here one glacier is meeting another and then flowing together

On one of our hikes, we entered a small opening in the ice-sheet and found a beautiful snow cave. It was so serene and all we could hear was the flowing water. We did it on an impulse but highly NOT recommended! If the snow caves in, you will be in trouble i.e. if anything is left of you to be in trouble!

Bore Tide @ Cook Inlet
Its a very unique phenomenon that happens only in 2-3 places in US. At Cook Inlet, it happens everyday so do check the tide schedule. The tide brings with it a lot of dead food from the ocean. In the 2nd picture, the birds are flying over bore tide to catch dead fish & other sea food. These tides can be as high as 6 feet and locals ride them on surfboards & kayaks. We were driving alongside the tide on turnagain arm (the road which borders Cook Inlet) and we stopped at 3 different locations to appreciate it more!

Here I was trying to time the shot & voila, got it after a few tries!



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