This weekend I had an awesome session with 2 wonderful ladies.. First up, Miss Julia.. She wants to be a model & was a natural in front of the camera ! We liked a lot of her 'serious look' pictures but I think she looked quite adorable with smiling pictures too as she got those cute dimples on her cheecks when she smiled. Here are some of my favorite pictures & I hope she is able to use them for her modeling portfolio!
Cake smash sessions are a hit or miss. Either babies absolutely enjoy it or they completely get scared when they look at the cake. With Baby Kabir it was definitely the former! He has such an adorable & friendly personality. I saw him bending & looking at me with curious eyes & he quickly warmed up to me which made the entire process really smooth. He also absolutely enjoyed smashing his cake & it was a joy to watch! Mom, Dad, grandmom, I & Kabir ofcourse had a great time ! Happy Birthday dear Kabir & I wish you all the best for the future!
Baby Elle was born early & had to spend sometime in the NICU so we weren't able to do the newborn session when she was younger. We were finally able to schedule the session when Elle was 3 months old but Mom still wanted a 'newborn experience'. Dad, Mom & Grandmom really worked hard at getting Elle to sleep & we were able to get some really nice pictures.. I loved this session as we were able to achieve the newborn kind of session even though Elle was 3-months old... Here are my favorite pictures !
Here are some super-cute pictures of Cora at day 7. She was just so adorable & perfect ! She was fast asleep & I started photographing her immediately. She woke up a little bit to eat but then she went right back to sleep, thats a photographers dream ! :) She also gave me so many cute/soft smiles, I was surprised & happy to see I had so many of those pictures! :) Mom was a great helper so thank you very much for the help & here are some of my favorite pictures, let me caution you, its going to be an overload of cuteness ;)
Remember I had a maternity session & we were a little worried the twins were going to come early?... & they did ! We weren't able to do the 2nd half of our maternity session with the family so we did 2nd half of the session after the babies were born. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the family as well as from the newborn session.. Enjoy!
This was one of the easiest Cake Smash sessions ! Baby Tytus came in, patiently waited while we got set up, smashed his cake, ate it, had loads of fun & we were done! We also took some family shots out-side & they turned out great! Oh btw, he is also friends with Baby Greysen who was a breeze to work with as well :)
Have a great birthday party this weekend Baby Tytus. I wish you all the best & here are some of my favorite pictures..
Here is a session I did over the past weekend. AT 33 weeks, Quynh was glowing & looking beautiful.. I usually do maternity sessions around week 34-35 as thats when the belly is big but not too big but with twins I didnt want to wait too never know how early they may arrive! & they are having one boy & one girl.. how adorobale is that! Quynh & Paul were very easy to work with & I really enjoyed the session.. I look forward to meeting the twins soon. Here's wishing the couple all the best & here are my favorite pictures..
I had done a family session with the 'B' family when Baby Veer was only 6 months old & now this young man is alreay a year old! We did an indoor/outdoor family session, some solo pictures of Veer & then the cake smash session.. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to photograph your wonderful family again.. Here are some of my favorite pictures.. enjoy!
Its amazing how I only photographed 1 set of twins in my first year & just as I got into my second year started, I got to photograph 2 set of twins & I will be photographing 1 more soon... all girls!
Photographing twins is hard work! But for this session we had great help from Mommy & also Mommy sister's & it helped a ton! So Mommy was busy feeding 1 baby, I had the sister to help me with the other baby & so we were able to get creative & even try some hand in chin poses for both the babies at the same time!.. Baby 'G' & Baby 'V' were relatively easy to work with though. Baby 'G' had just come from the NICU the day before our session..
I am amazed how 1 twin will be crying loudly while the other twin would be sleeping peacefully & then vice versa. I guess they just find comfort knowing the other one is around (though crying!). Wish you all the best Baby 'G' & Baby 'V' & you girls are so lucky to have instant sisters & best friend !
Baby Vedant is my 2012 newborn baby. I wasn't able to work on his pictures since we were on vacation. At 18 days, I think Mom was a little concerned that he was on the older side but I assured her that newborn boys are a breeze as compared to older newborn girls. All you have to do is give them milk & they get 'milk drunk' :)
I loved this session as Vedant was one of the easiest babies I have worked with. Mom & Dad wanted me to take some pictures of Vedant's eyes & we had to tickle him, talk loudly & he still would'nt wake up ! that is a newborn photographers dream :) however we did want him to wake up & finally he did & we were able to capture some pictures of his eyes
Mom & Dad also wanted me to capture some of his facial expressions. Newborns make the cutest & funniest faces & I loved those pictures as well.. Mom & Dad had some great ideas so overall we had a fun, relaxed & very creative session & here are some of my favorite pictures!