Seattle Trip

January 02, 2013

We just came back from a fabulous trip to Seattle & Portland. Seattle had a small downtown. It took us about 2 days to do most of the 'touristy' things. With a little/hyperactive toddler its difficult to cram in a lot of activities but we were able to go to many museums & have some out-door fun. Here are some of my favorites from the trip..

I have a lot of pictures of 'Chihuly Garden & Glass'. I am not sure how many people visit it but I absolutely loved it & on my 'must-do' list incase you travel to Seattle. All the artifacts are made from blown glass. I was so impressed with the colors & lights that I kept telling my husband I am blown away :) He reminded me that I should be 'blown away', after all, all the artifcats are made from blown glass (no pun intended) ;)


One of the out-door glass displays



Some beautiful light display at Seattle's space needle..


This is the Original Starbucks at Pike Place Market. I loved the way the singer is dressed, his clothes fit in so well with Starbucks cafe look


Pike Place Market


Next stop.. Acquarium.. My daughter loved it!



Experience Music Project Museum. By this time my daughter was absolutely exhausted so we werent able to fully see the museum but the 3rd floor interactive music rooms for kids which is a lot of fun! They can play drums, piano, or make music in one of the 'jamming' rooms


Downtown View from 'The Great Wheel' which is a new attraction at Seattle